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What Did I Just Create...😂 The SUPER Behemoth CHIMERA Launching Homing Missiles | War Robots

Duration: 17:01Views: 16.1KLikes: 643Date Created: May, 2022


Category: Gaming

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Description: The Insane behemoth chimera build. Just when you thought the behemoth Zenit was the craziest build.... Here is the MAX chimera on the behemoth. I don't know if anyone has ever maxed out these weapons... The chimera are so old, the weapons are weird... but here we are ... 0:00 Intro 0:17 The Insane Chimera Behemoth 1:45 Dreadnaught Chimera Killstreak 9:46 Canyon Chimera Comeback 16:25 Wrap Up LIKE 👍 COMMENT 🗣️ SUBSCRIBE 🔔 Turn on the notification bell 🔔 Join the Official PREDATOR WR Discord Server discord.gg/nJhUjyP6D3 Follow My Second Gaming Channel youtube.com/channel/UCDV6siOVJ5gVoH4idBY06EQ FOLLOW ME ON… INSTAGRAM instagram.com/predator_wr FACEBOOK facebook.com/PREDATORWR Music provided by Frequency Music & No Copyright Sounds (NCS) War Robots’ Website & Database: warrobots.com/en Download War Robots for free on IOS, Android & PC

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